Chin the Day Watchman eagerly presents Grey with a sample of the new crop of cotton the estate has managed to produce.
Chin, Day Watchman of Threnody Estate
Chin has lived as a farm hand on the Threnody estate since he was born. He has now been named as the estate’s watchman, and patrols the perimeter by day. Given the recent troubles in Littlemountain, the people of Threnody urged Lou Shou to elect one of their number to be a full time protector, free of farming duties to look out for trouble in the valley and be ready to warn others if it should arise.
Chin has been armed with a magic sword and copper mace from Grey’s Parents old things, as well as a magic helm to help him in his watchman duties. He has never been in a real fight, but has attended a fighting school and has sought out some additional training from Hrothgar