The Howling Winds Monastery. Abandoned and Haunted, the only refuge against the murderous snow storm. Above the door and inscription reads:
This house is Not for the weak
Only the strong in body will find rest in its cold
Only the strong in mind will find Wisdom in its solitude
Only the strong in spirit will find peace in its Howling winds

A mysterious stranger forces his way into themonastery the morning after the first night of terror, barely alive, having been persued by the same creatures that drove you here. You use a powerful relic, The Tears of Guan Yin to bring him back from the edge of death. His name is Yooshu Two Rivers, a spirit shaman, and he has come to this place to hunt down the very ghost that has been hunting you.

The Howling Winds is a powerful spirit that has unleashed the constant snow storm. You are trapped here until this ghost is put to rest. Only then will the Howling Winds allow you to leave.

The cursed spirit of Zemal, the monk who murdered Master Suji is trapped here as well, doomed to shovel coals into the furnace in the monastery’s basement, the only thing that keeps his former master at bay. He is the key, only when he is destroyed will Master Suji’s spirit rest. You face him in the smokey depths of the boiler room.