Through Evon’s gardens and into an old leaning tower…down a narrow flight of stairs into its ancient basement, and down yet another flight of even more narrow stairs…Through an abandoned cistern, a massive chamber made to collect rainwater long ago, and finally through a narrow crack in the wall and across a weird subterranean bridge…this is the only way you know how to reach it.

The Dark Bridge spans a deadfall deep below Fanlu, at it’s far end, a dimily lit doorway into the Underworld Market, below…the tombs of the old Tein Ming Wizards…a place people DO NOT VISIT!
The Underworld market is held in an underground pit 50 ft across and 100 ft long. Massive stone pillars hold its vaulted ceiling aloft. Here the underworld comes to trade with mortals…everything from magical items, to more intangible and esoteric substances…the currencies of the spirit world. Here, soul coins, favors and fates are traded like fine spices. Wujen openly sell their potions, and strange, inhuman traders sell good fortune and forbidden cures in exchange for fragments of men’s souls!