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  • May 26, 2016 at 5:11 pm #1808

    Grey holds up his hands, counting out the days on his slim fingers,
    An easy Seven days away, three north and four east.
    From Fan Lu up to The Former Fire pine Pagoda, i am sure you all remember that momentous place.
    From the Fire Pine to the Four Warlords ruin is another day, after the ruins we stay on the white road of only about a half a day before we turn east and across to the town of Injuki. A small settlement.
    After Injuki we continue east to the bustling town of Blue Bayou. A swamp town built on stilts, famous for its parties, jambalaya, a great stone bridge and and its great ferries that take people across the waters north to Barter Town.
    After that though it is two full days and night in the wild before we reach Tsurui village.
    This all of course barring side tracks, weather and other issues that may slow us.

    May 26, 2016 at 3:36 pm #1806

    Brother Tak was honest.
    No signs of coercion.
    If anything he was just in awe of what he saw that night, then seeing the same symbol on your robes. Recall that many of your southern gods are unheard of here. So that flaming axe just plain freaked him out.
    As for Chayne(chain) well…

    May 26, 2016 at 1:23 pm #1803

    You are correct Hroth, had she traveled normally, like we do. Then there would be no cause for alarm,yet.

    Sternis also correct anf has a good grasp of things in this instance.
    I am concerned for her safety.

    May 25, 2016 at 5:05 pm #1799

    “Exactly,” Grey says snapping his fingers and smiling,“Thus did i take upon myself to test the authenticity of this story. By dispatching one of My Black Jackets to check the veracity of this story, this village near the Ji Jiang shrine and find out has much as She could about this man in the clearing. This could at worst be a trap, a diversion, or just a hoax. Which is not to say that this might be not be the real deal.” Grey puts his hand out to encompass the room “You have lived here in Yun Shan long enough to know that simply strange things happen.”
    Grey pulls his hands back resting them one atop the other on his desk,
    “There are, however, a few t hings that bother me about this. First and foremost one of My own has not returned. Not usually something for alarm given the world we live in but still I personally sent Chayn for a reason and she has not made contact or returned, I am responsible. I would know here fate.” Leaning back in his chair Grey finishes “Second, Yes, it is know that you have sent for assistance from the followers of Krom in the south.” Grey purposefully repeats himself “In the south.”Leaning forward to regard Stern.“This strange occurrence is North and east of us. Closer to the heart of Yun Shan and correspondingly further from the influence of foreign gods. Thus making this event even less credible or even more portentous depending on your view.”

    May 2, 2016 at 5:33 pm #1785

    With a shrug, Grey drops the note back onto the table. To the air around him as he enters his room.
    “Void, Looks like I am having tea with Grognak the day after tomorrow. Please add it to my schedule and notify Slayte.”

    With that Grey calls it a night.

    April 24, 2016 at 7:25 pm #1782

    Grey stands and bows,
    “A fine introduction indeed.Let us leave it at that. “Tomorrow will take care of itself” as My Father said.”
    Grey tips his hat, “Thank you for your time and the fine conversation. Good evening to you.”

    With that Grey will take his leave.

    April 23, 2016 at 9:23 pm #1778

    To White Carp.
    Grey echoes, thoughtfully. Taking a sip.

    April 7, 2016 at 1:25 pm #1774

    Grey downs half his cup to that toast. Unable to speak he waits for Gill to continue.

    April 4, 2016 at 9:52 pm #1770

    Grey leans back in his chair, by all appearances relaxed and comfortable.
    I have told you about myself, though I am sure you know more of me than what I have just told.

    Who are you Gill?

    I came here in peace, I waited patiently to be seen. A pretty young woman comes to escort me to this spot, a woman who knows who I am. Then you appear… Is this usual for you? Or is this a special occasion.
    Grey leans forward again.
    I am a driven person, Friend Gill, Grey pauses at the word Friend Friend? Another form of title Grey smiles at this before continuing I came here this evening to see for myself, to gather with my own senses a feel for the intentions of the stalwart and esteemed Fisher Folk. Even going so far as to belive that somehow I may be granted an audience with the venerable White Carp,
    The Lord of the Fishermen

    Grey gives a small bemused smirk as he uses the title “Lord”, with a small nod of deference towards Gill on the subject of titles.

    March 31, 2016 at 2:16 pm #1769

    To home. Toasts Grey, taking but a sip.

    March 30, 2016 at 9:55 pm #1767

    Taking a sip and saluting Gill I celebrate your wisdom Sir. Though I do not agree with your learned assessment of our people.
    Placing his cup back down, em passion ed Grey gestures wide No one here is common from the lowest of the nozufoo to the most pious of holy men. To come to Yun shan, to live in Fan Lu is extraordinary. The interference of spirits not withstanding, the people here are unique, hardy, amazing. With or without the aid of other realms. The people built this place, the people survived and thrive. Sure, they had help, my family amongst others, against all the evil and madness this world hurls this way, they, we, have done this. This place is special beyond words and precious beyond wealth.
    Calming himself, Grey continues As for titles, in general they are usually just that words, most often self given. I am Grey. I am Grey Threnody. Grey is the name i chose when I was old enough, a necessity to hide ones true name from all but the closest of people.
    Threnody is my parents name, few have ever even asked what it actually means, to me I honor my parents by using it and upholding it. It is not the name of a noble house.
    My father was a landless explorer from the south , my mother a….slave from here in Yun shan.
    Together, with others, they became hero’s. They fought against the dark. For this and much more do I honor them.

    Here he pauses to pour out a measure of saki to the floor in honor of his lost family.
    Before looking Gill straight in the eyes,
    as for the title given to me by the people of Threnody estate “Lord” I really care not, it is but a word and that word is unimportant to me.
    It is the….. respect inherent in that word that I bow before, the unspoken bond between us that I will never betray, never let them down, to strive always to do right by them. With my dying breath I would seek to aid them, protect them, be there for them…and by extension the people of Fan Lu. They honor me and my family with their esteem, their reverence.
    Thus do I pay then back in kind, with my esteem, reverence and yes even love.

    Grey finishes his drink, absolutely calm and composed after his honest passionate speach.
    With a wry grin, he slides his cup forward to be refilled,…was that the reaction you expected Sir. I have been told my honesty and straight forwardness can be a bit off putting.

    March 27, 2016 at 11:35 am #1759

    Grey rises from his chair as the man enters, giving the fellow an appropriate bow, before Grey removes his hat and jacket, placing both on the back of his chair before sitting back down.
    Correct, I am Grey.
    I have seen little of your establishment but I have no doubt that it is like it’s people; sturdy and respectable with a fine honerable history.

    Grey places both hands upon the table palms up, as the man places the bottle and cups.
    Then swiftly before the fellow can react, Grey gracefully grabs the bottle pops the cork and pours the saki into the cups,his motions fluid, filling them each in three even pours.
    He could have done it in one pour each but that would have been to quick,in too much of a hurry and frankly bad form. Two pours each would have been totally appropriate for a normal situation but give the import of the moment Grey chose the more exacting three pours each. Leaving each cup equal and avoiding a four pour, as four is and unlucky number, being the word Shi, which closely resembles the word for Death.
    So in this action he is showing his respect and his understanding of tradition as well as adding gravity by skirting death.
    Stone faced Grey finishes and allows the man to choose his cup before speaking,
    Thank you, and Who do I have the pleasure of drinking with?

    March 26, 2016 at 11:22 pm #1757

    Grey bows curtly,
    “Thank you Miss,I have come to parlay, as it were,if it is not too much trouble, Or to drink if it is.

    March 26, 2016 at 9:42 pm #1752

    Grey steps imperriously inside removing his hat, pausing at the threshold for an appropriate amount of time before visably relaxing is demeanor. Crossing his arms he leans against the wall to the right of the doors, chin up eyes focused on distant thoughts.
    Patiently waiting, stone still, no fidgeting or looking around.

    March 26, 2016 at 12:06 pm #1746

    (Grey is in his normal gear, nothing fancy, except maybe for his gauntlets, depends on how they are viewed; works of art and craft or weapons of war)

    Eyes level, body relaxed, Grey strides purposefully right up to the door without pause.

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